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Owner vs. Renter

Renter’s Mindset vs Owner’s Mindset

The Impact on Personal Growth

Have you ever heard the phrase "renting vs owning"?  It's a common analogy used to describe two different approaches to life.  It’s important to understand the distinction between the renter’s mindset and the owner’s mindset in decision making and also when considering how each of these approaches impact personal growth.

The Renter’s Mindset

People with a renter’s mindset tend to think short-term and prioritize immediate comfort and convenience. They're less likely to take risks, make investments, and plan for the future.  They view life as temporary, and their priorities are often focused on immediate gratification.  If you find yourself placing blame on others or other outstanding circumstances, you’re living with a Renter’s Mindset.

Renters might want a better relationship with themself, a spouse, a sibling, a parent, a coworker…but they are unlikely to take action and do something to make a positive change. 

Renters will often believe that life is too busy to prioritize their health, instead of determining what action they are going to take to put themselves first.  

The Owner’s Mindset

People with an owner’s mindset think long-term and prioritize growth, stability, and security.  They're more likely to take calculated risks, make investments, and plan for the future. They view life as an opportunity to build something lasting, and their priorities are often focused on personal growth and development.

People with an owner’s mindset understand the situation they are in, what they did to cause it, and look for a solution.

Owner’s understand that no one is coming to save them; their success and failure is on their own shoulders. If there’s not enough time in the day to focus on their health, owner’s will adjust their schedule to make it happen, or look for other areas of health that aren’t time consuming, like nutrition. 

The Secret

Everyone is a renter and an owner in specific situations and relationships. To determine where you stand in various capacities, here is an exercise you can do right now:

  1. Get out a blank piece of paper

  2. Draw a line down the middle and label one side “Owner” and the other “Renter”.

  3. Make a list of everything you can think of in life where you are an owner and where you are a renter.

    Think:  relationship with self, relationship with kids, relationship with spouse, relationship with coworkers, health, fitness, work, home, education, mindset…any and all aspects of your life.

  4. Now take a step back and write down what your current goals are.  What are you looking to accomplish in the next year, 3 years, 5 years…in life?   The timeline doesn’t really matter, but a good place to start is the 3 - 5 year range.

  5. Compare the Renter’s list vs your goals:  do you see any places where your current mindset is going to hold you back from achieving success? This is the place to start taking action. You have identified a limiting factor that will impact your ability to accomplish your goal and now you can determine what needs to change.

When considering Renter’s vs. Owner’s, the real question to ask yourself is:  do you want to accomplish your goal(s) bad enough that you’re willing to change your behaviors and mindset? 

Taking action and facing challenges is essential in achieving success and personal growth.  Success requires hard work and a willingness to take risks, and the only limits to our potential are the ones we impose on ourselves.

Everyone has problems and issues they routinely face in life, but many problems and issues are things that can be addressed and solved - IF you have the right mindset. An owner’s mindset is essential for personal growth and success. By prioritizing long-term goals and taking calculated risks, individuals with an owner’s mindset are better equipped to achieve their full potential and live fulfilling lives.  They understand that success requires hard work, dedication, and a willingness to take risks, and they're proactive in their approach to life. Owning your situation is the only way through and the only way to ultimately find success.  Take control of your life and adopt an owner’s mindset today - your future self will thank you.

If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help you become your healthiest, happiest self: sign up for a free Intro Session with a Coach!